Wednesday, February 16, 2011

May 19th- Covington Technology Celebration!

Dear BCS Parents and/or Guardians

The PTSA Technology Committee would like to announce the Covington Technology Celebration (CTC), coming up on the evening of Thursday, May 19th, 2011. A crucial piece to the event’s success is the involvement of parents in helping us to promote the CTC to all of our students. We are hoping this school-wide event will include the participation of as many students as possible.

The Covington Technology Celebration is an opportunity to showcase the work of BCS students in all of the subject areas. Exhibits can reflect work done in class or as a special project. Participants can be mentored by an appropriate BCS faculty or staff member. Past and present projects or displays are welcome from competitions, groups or individuals. There is no judging of “entries”, as this is not a traditional Science Fair.

Student exhibits, demonstrations, displays, etc. are not restricted to only Science and Technology endeavors. This is an opportunity for students to share with the BCS community their interest in Math, various Technologies, Engineering, Green Technology, Art, Social Studies, Choice Hour projects and activities, Academic Competition activities, etc. We want to see all types of 21st century learning and problem solving.

We've reserved most of the school including the cafeteria, media center, and innovation stations so we have room for a variety of exhibits. Of course we will have tables for poster board or laptop displays.

Why are you hosting this event?

1) The technology committee has helped organize "Engineers Week" to bring science and technology workers into the classrooms. On alternate years, we want to provide the opportunity to have the students be the presenters.
2) The technology committee hosted the "Mind in Motion" video competition for a number of years. We hope this expanded event draws more participants from all grades. Videos are still welcome!

Our next meeting will be held on Feb 16th, 2011 [6:30pm, media center] and we invite you to attend. Please send us any questions, comments or feedback prior to the meeting at Additional information and a student survey hoping to get the students to help us shape this event, can be found on BCS online.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Covington Technology Celebration (CTC) Committee

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