Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
WAG 1-25-10
Dear BCS Parents,
(Written on Friday, January 22nd)
We are all aware of the situation in Haiti and the devastating events that have occurred over the past few weeks. We cannot turn on the television, listen to the radio, or search the web without seeing the unfortunate state that the country is in. Times like this can have an impact on our lives even though we are thousands of miles away from danger. Many local families have lost loved ones in the earthquakes because they had family or friends in Haiti due to business schedules or missionary work. I know two families in my hometown that lost grandparents. They were in Haiti working at an orphanage at the time the quake struck.
Our BCS community has expressed a need to help in some way. This past Wednesday, the BCS faculty advisory committee met to discuss various topics regarding our daily schedule. Each grade level was represented at the meeting and everyone was expressing their reaction to the second earthquake that occurred the day before. The team mentioned that BCS students were asking them if we could do something as a school for the people of Haiti. We all agreed that we would keep our eyes and ears open of ways to help and try to come up with an idea that would make an impact on both the people in Haiti and our students.
Things happen for a reason! That same day, my sister called me to tell me my brother in law, Joel LaGore, would be traveling to Haiti on Friday January 29, 2010 to deliver supplies to an orphanage in Haiti. She went on to tell me that there are over 250,000 orphans in Haiti and they are sleeping outside since the buildings are either collapsed or in danger of collapsing. Joel will be traveling with three others from the organization, Harvest of Haiti, to deliver mosquito nets and tents for the orphans and their caretakers. Joel and his cohorts will be taking 5 suitcases each full of items that the orphanage needs.
I surveyed the BCS staff and asked if this is a mission we would like to take on next week. Every response was an overwhelming yes and it became clear that our team wanted to gather the troops and assist in any way we could! The teachers shared that many students were asking themselves what we could do and are anxious to come together for a great cause!
My phone call to Joel resulted in a collaborative plan to support his efforts and to educate our students. We will be having a four day item/money collection drive beginning this Monday, January 25th. These items and funds will be used to help the orphanage that Joel is traveling to next week. He is flying out on Friday, so we will run the drive until Thursday afternoon. Joel will be taking pictures and video of his trip and will be documenting their efforts in Haiti. He has agreed to visit BCS and give a presentation to our students to show exactly where the items were delivered and express gratitude for their kindness. The BCS staff believes this will be a meaningful opportunity for each student as we strive to be global leaders. The details of the drive are below and if you have any questions please contact me at
Adam Hartley
(Written Saturday, January 23rd)
Dear BCS Parents,
My brother in law, Joel, called me early this morning and told me that his flight to Haiti has been canceled. The airline he was flying, along with many other commercial flights, is not being allowed into the country. Joel is greatly disappointed and eager to help out. He will be going to Haiti as soon as flights are allowed and his schedule opens. He said it could be next week or a month from now. I think it is important that we continue our efforts this week to help out by bringing in the items or donations listed below. We have many events at BCS in the upcoming months and now is as good a time as ever to listen to our students and help a country in need. BCS will collect items and donations from Monday – Friday this week for Harvest of Haiti. The proceeds from the drive will be delivered by me to Harvest of Haiti in Port Huron, MI. The money that is raised will go directly to the organization for the purchase of the mosquito nets and tents. The items will be delivered to the organization in Port Huron as well and will go out with my brother in law when he is able to travel or before with another group. Joel will be traveling in the next two months and will be eventually coming to BCS to share his stories. While the items we collect and the money we raise may not be delivered this week, it certainly does not diminish the fact that Haiti is in great need and our students would like to do their part!
Please read the information below!
CNN report on Haiti
BCS – Helping the Orphans of Haiti
Monday, January 25th – Thursday, January 28th
BCS will be accepting money donations to purchase mosquito nets and tents for the Harvest of Haiti Orphanage, the Reach Out to Haiti Orphanage, and their connected schools. These tents and nets will be used by the orphans and their caretakers as they continue to have to sleep outside due to the condition of the buildings.
If you are writing a check- you may write the amount to Harvest of Haiti. You may claim this donation on your 2009 tax return. (see article)
All donations may be dropped off in the BCS main office.
If you are interested in donating items- These items are needed to assist the orphanages:
Baby formula
Baby clothes
Baby food
Freeze dried food
Medical kits
Tylenol/Motrin (children’s pain medication)
Children’s vitamins
These items may be placed at the front entrance in the labeled boxes created by the BCS Spirit Committee.
20010 Bishop Foley Invitational
Science Olympiad Results
On Saturday, January 23rd, our Middle School Science Olympiad Team competed against 11 schools from around the area. We placed 1st overall! Almost every team member took home a medal or ribbon in one of their events!! The kids worked hard and had a fantastic time
The following students took home medals:
1st Place
• Elevated Bridge – Maria Roma & Aaron Levett
• Physical Science Lab – Maria Roma & Bassel Salka
• Trajectory – Bogdan Manga & Bryce Owens
• Bio – Process Lab – Natalie Kozak & Lillian Lu
• Road Scholar – Bogdan Manga & Adam Smith
• Dynamic Planet – Hannah Diehl & Will Trask
• Ecology – Aaron Levett & Lillian Lu
2nd Place
• Junkyard Challenge – Noah Smith & Will Trask
• Wright Stuff – Nadia Hakim & Nicole Floyd-Stancil
• Write-It Do-It – Hannah Diehl & Lillian Lu
3rd Place
• Battery Buggy – Trevor McMahon & Chandler Roberts
• Disease Detectives – Maria Roma & Natalie Kozak
• Experimental Design – Maria Roma, Nitin Kumar & Bassel Salka
• Fossils – Graham Ross & Adam Smith
• Meteorology – Hannah Diehl & Adam Smith
• Physical Science Lab – Jack Felch & Maximilian Campbell
• Wright Stuff – Lillian Lu & Hannah Diehl
4th Place
• Shock Value – Noah Smith & Nitin Kumar
• Solar System – Hannah Diehl & Aaron Levett
5th Place
• Battery Buggy – Adam Smith & Graham Ross
• Bio-Process Lab – Maximilian Campbell & Jack Felch
• Pentathlon – Nicole Floyd-Stancil, Chris Kompus, Clark Kingston & Brianna Williams
• Solar System – Jacob Anderson & James Rivard
6th Place
• Can’t Judge a Powder – Aaron Levett & Will Trask
• Road Scholar – Jacob Anderson & Trevor McMahon
• Science Crime Busters – Shounak Vale & Nitin Kumar
• Trajectory – Jacob Anderson, Michael Kmiec & James Rivard
(Disclaimer: Please check all your calendars and in case we missed something)
Monday, January 25
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• 4:15-7:30PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
Tuesday, January 26
• 7:30-8:00AM - BCS Diversity Committee meeting in Room 505 – All are welcome
• 8-8:20AM – Bagel sale in front of the media center by the 8th grade celebration committee
• 3:15-4:00PM – School store is open in the main hallway during choice hour
• 3:30PM – SNOW CLUB bus leaves for Pine Knob. Students return to BCS at 8:30PM and need to be picked up.
• 6:30-8:00PM – Proud Dad’s CO-ED Basketball – 3rd-6th grades
Wednesday, January 27
• 6:45-8:00AM –8th grade Girls Volleyball Try-outs
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• Popcorn Day – freshly popped popcorn is sold during choice hour for $1 in the main hallway.
• 3:15-5:00PM - Boys swim team practice
• 4:14-5:30PM –7th grade Girls Volleyball Try-outs
• 4:15-7:30PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
Thursday, January 28
• 6:45-8:00AM –8th grade Girls Volleyball Try-outs
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Boys swim team practice
• Market Day internet orders due by midnight. If you are unable to complete your order online, please contact Lori Croad at 248-348-4390.
• 3:15-6:30PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
• 4:15-5:30PM –7th grade Girls Volleyball Try-outs
• 6:30-8:00PM – Proud Dad’s CO-ED Basketball – 3rd-6th grades
Friday, January 29
• 6:45-8:00AM –8th grade Girls Volleyball Try-outs
• 7-8:00AM - 7th grade Girls Volleyball try-outs
• HALF DAY OF SCHOOL – Dismissal at 11:20AM. Busses are provided at the early dismissal time.
• 4PM – BCS Wait List for 09-10 School Year expires
• 4PM – Deadline for acceptance of Lottery Enrollment for 10-11 School Year
Hot Entrée menu for the week: (subject to change, if necessary)
- Available everyday: Salad Bar, Hamburgers, Chicken Patties, Pizza & Cheese Breadsticks
Monday –Soft Taco Day with Choice of Toppings and Corn
Tuesday –Make a Sub- Turkey or Ham, Carrots and Peas
Wednesday –Baked Potato Bar-Choice Toppings Broccoli, Cheese, Bacon or Chili
Thursday –Cook’s Choice
Friday – Half day of school. No lunch provided.
To submit an item for next week’s “WAG”, email by FRIDAY 7AM
PTSA is looking for parent volunteers to facilitate book clubs at lunchtime in the next few weeks. This is a fun and easy way to work with students and have enlightening lunchtime conversation. If you would like to volunteer for this great opportunity, please email Sarah Neal at
Don’t forget to pre-order your YEARBOOK for the 09-19 School Year. The yearbook is always popular at the end of the year and could sell-out!! You wouldn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to capture the school year in a keepsake yearbook. The order deadline is this Thursday, January 28. Order forms are located in the brochure rack in the main hallway or can be downloaded from the website.
We are recruiting engineering and technology professionals to speak to 7th and 8th grade Engage students. It’s an opportunity for engineers to talk about the profession and inspire kids to consider engineering as a career option. It takes dozens of volunteers to make this day a success. We need not just engineers, but scientists, web designers, architects, programmers, doctors, builders, and more. Why do you do what you do? What advice do you have to future talent? How have things changed? What does the future hold?
Do you want to volunteer for an hour? A day? Do you want to help us recruit volunteers and plan the
events? To volunteer, please send an email to tech@bcsparent. National Engineers Week Foundation sponsors national events and they have a website specifically for middle school students to learn more about engineering, technology, math, and science: There are interactive games and some entertaining videos about engineers making a difference.
The 3-4 Cookie Baking and Desserts Choice Hour class and its future bakers and taste testers are looking for donations for their class! They are in need of:
• Mixers, rolling pins, mixing bowls, microwave safe bowls, spatulas, wooden spoons and baking sheets
• Flour, sugar, brown sugar, vanilla and salt
• Zip-loc baggies, paper plates, paper towels, napkins, hand soap and wipes
Your contributions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for always supporting the Choice Hour program!
BCS – HELPING THE ORPHANS OF HAITI - Monday, January 25th – Thursday, January 28th
BCS will be accepting money donations to purchase mosquito nets and tents for the Harvest of Haiti Orphanage, the Reach Out to Haiti Orphanage, and their connected schools. These tents and nets will be used by the orphans and their caretakers as they continue to sleep outside due to the condition of the buildings.
If you are writing a check- you may write the amount to Harvest of Haiti. You may claim this donation on your 2009 tax return. All donations may be dropped off in the BCS main office.
If you are interested in donating items- These items are needed to assist the orphanages:
• Baby formula
• Diapers
• Baby clothes
• Baby food
• Freeze dried food
• Medical kits
• Tylenol/Motrin (children’s pain medication)
• Children’s vitamins
These items may be placed at the front entrance in the labeled boxes created by the BCS Spirit Committee.
The 2010 BCS Blast committee is hard at work putting together another fun-filled evening for the largest fundraiser for our school. Please mark your calendars with these dates: Friday, March 19th (3:30 – 5:00) and Sunday, March 21st from 3:30 – 7:30. Friday is the Auction Preview which allows you to get a glimpse of the silent auction items and to possibly “grab” one of the closed bid items, and then the actual event for the whole family is on Sunday is when there are games, food, prizes, the silent auction, and a wonder raffle drawing with three amazing prizes! This year’s theme is “Blast to the Future.” You will be receiving more information in the next few weeks via Blast emails. However, you can take action now by donating to the silent auction, volunteering your time, and/or becoming a patron family (which has special privileges including valet parking!) You can find these forms on the BCS website listed under the “Blast” tab.
Mom’s and Dad’s the Co-Ed Basketball program at BCS is underway….and it is not too late to sign up. Training is from 6:30 – 8:00pm Tuesday and Thursdays. Our next session is January 26, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. The folks from Tweaked will be filming the kid’s technique for dribbling, lay up’s, and set shots…should prove to be a riot!! J Please encourage your son or daughter from 3 – 6th grades to come out and get some good exercise, learn the basics of basketball, and have fun at the same time. Regards, Proud Dads
All remaining tickets for all performances will be sold this week on Tuesday & Wednesday, January 26th and 27th in front of the BCS office from 8 to 8:30 am and from 3 to 4:15 pm. Tickets will not be available at the door on performance day! Payment will be accepted by check (payable to BCS PTSA) or exact cash only.
Public Performances: Thursday, Feb. 4th @ 7:00 pm
Friday, Feb 5th @ 7:30 pm
Ticket Price is $8
Student/Staff Performance: Friday, Feb 5th @ 3:30 pm
Ticket Price is $5
The student performance will end at approximately 5:30pm - Students will need to arrange their own transportation home after the play!!
Does your child carpool, ride the bus, walk or bike to school? Be sure they check out the carpooling stand in front of the media center run by Maria Graham, Claire Foxworth, and Rachel Herster. Every week your student can enter for the chance to win a carpooling, biking, walking, or bus riding T-shirt. If your student does not carpool or ride the bus, or walk to school, give it a try! Did you know that by carpooling once a week you can save 105 pounds C02 emissions per year! That’s more than recycling all of your plastic and magazines for one year!
Boys Swim Team (grades 6-8) and Girls Volleyball (grades 7-8) are the Winter II sports. Students who want to participate must have all athletic paperwork (including physical evaluation and fee payment) submitted before they can practice.
• Athletic paperwork can be picked up in the front office or downloaded from
• Athletic paperwork and fees can be turned into the front office immediately. It is strongly suggested not to wait until the day before practice starts to turn in paperwork.
• Once all paperwork is complete and the fee is paid, the student will be issued a slip of eligibility, referred to as the “orange slip”. It is the responsibility of the student to give the “orange slip” to the coach at the first practice attended. The slip is essentially an admission ticket to the student’s first practice. The student will not be allowed to practice without an eligibility slip.
• Try-outs for volleyball begin on January 27. 7th grade volleyball coach is Leon Braisted. 8th grade coach is Angela Geisler.
• Swim practices begins on January 27. Swim coaches are Bill Johansson and Mat Brown.
ADHD? BIPOLAR? WHICH IS IT? Please come to the presentation on February 4 at 7:00PM in the BCS Media Center. At this Friends meeting BCS teacher Rick Joseph and his wife Mary Beth Seefelt, an art therapist and stay-at-home parent, will discuss the challenges and opportunities that they have encountered while raising a child with Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. Their son’s psychologist, a respected author and expert in the field, Dr. Ira Glovinsky, will offer insight as to how parents can recognize the signs of ADHD and Pediatric Bipolar Disorder in their child. All are welcome.
Visit the BPS Community Education website ( to get details and registration information of the Sports Camp offered during February break , or call 248-203-3800. Registration deadline is 12:00 NOON on February 11.
Scott Feldmaier is patrolling our parking lot and doing a nice job of policing the East area where many of our students cross. It is important that when picking your children up from school that you are not parking in front of the handicap spaces and blocking cars from leaving. We have made some improvements in our parking lot but have a long way to go if we are truly going to make a difference for our students. Patience, common sense, and team work- we can do this!!
(Written on Friday, January 22nd)
We are all aware of the situation in Haiti and the devastating events that have occurred over the past few weeks. We cannot turn on the television, listen to the radio, or search the web without seeing the unfortunate state that the country is in. Times like this can have an impact on our lives even though we are thousands of miles away from danger. Many local families have lost loved ones in the earthquakes because they had family or friends in Haiti due to business schedules or missionary work. I know two families in my hometown that lost grandparents. They were in Haiti working at an orphanage at the time the quake struck.
Our BCS community has expressed a need to help in some way. This past Wednesday, the BCS faculty advisory committee met to discuss various topics regarding our daily schedule. Each grade level was represented at the meeting and everyone was expressing their reaction to the second earthquake that occurred the day before. The team mentioned that BCS students were asking them if we could do something as a school for the people of Haiti. We all agreed that we would keep our eyes and ears open of ways to help and try to come up with an idea that would make an impact on both the people in Haiti and our students.
Things happen for a reason! That same day, my sister called me to tell me my brother in law, Joel LaGore, would be traveling to Haiti on Friday January 29, 2010 to deliver supplies to an orphanage in Haiti. She went on to tell me that there are over 250,000 orphans in Haiti and they are sleeping outside since the buildings are either collapsed or in danger of collapsing. Joel will be traveling with three others from the organization, Harvest of Haiti, to deliver mosquito nets and tents for the orphans and their caretakers. Joel and his cohorts will be taking 5 suitcases each full of items that the orphanage needs.
I surveyed the BCS staff and asked if this is a mission we would like to take on next week. Every response was an overwhelming yes and it became clear that our team wanted to gather the troops and assist in any way we could! The teachers shared that many students were asking themselves what we could do and are anxious to come together for a great cause!
My phone call to Joel resulted in a collaborative plan to support his efforts and to educate our students. We will be having a four day item/money collection drive beginning this Monday, January 25th. These items and funds will be used to help the orphanage that Joel is traveling to next week. He is flying out on Friday, so we will run the drive until Thursday afternoon. Joel will be taking pictures and video of his trip and will be documenting their efforts in Haiti. He has agreed to visit BCS and give a presentation to our students to show exactly where the items were delivered and express gratitude for their kindness. The BCS staff believes this will be a meaningful opportunity for each student as we strive to be global leaders. The details of the drive are below and if you have any questions please contact me at
Adam Hartley
(Written Saturday, January 23rd)
Dear BCS Parents,
My brother in law, Joel, called me early this morning and told me that his flight to Haiti has been canceled. The airline he was flying, along with many other commercial flights, is not being allowed into the country. Joel is greatly disappointed and eager to help out. He will be going to Haiti as soon as flights are allowed and his schedule opens. He said it could be next week or a month from now. I think it is important that we continue our efforts this week to help out by bringing in the items or donations listed below. We have many events at BCS in the upcoming months and now is as good a time as ever to listen to our students and help a country in need. BCS will collect items and donations from Monday – Friday this week for Harvest of Haiti. The proceeds from the drive will be delivered by me to Harvest of Haiti in Port Huron, MI. The money that is raised will go directly to the organization for the purchase of the mosquito nets and tents. The items will be delivered to the organization in Port Huron as well and will go out with my brother in law when he is able to travel or before with another group. Joel will be traveling in the next two months and will be eventually coming to BCS to share his stories. While the items we collect and the money we raise may not be delivered this week, it certainly does not diminish the fact that Haiti is in great need and our students would like to do their part!
Please read the information below!
CNN report on Haiti
BCS – Helping the Orphans of Haiti
Monday, January 25th – Thursday, January 28th
BCS will be accepting money donations to purchase mosquito nets and tents for the Harvest of Haiti Orphanage, the Reach Out to Haiti Orphanage, and their connected schools. These tents and nets will be used by the orphans and their caretakers as they continue to have to sleep outside due to the condition of the buildings.
If you are writing a check- you may write the amount to Harvest of Haiti. You may claim this donation on your 2009 tax return. (see article)
All donations may be dropped off in the BCS main office.
If you are interested in donating items- These items are needed to assist the orphanages:
Baby formula
Baby clothes
Baby food
Freeze dried food
Medical kits
Tylenol/Motrin (children’s pain medication)
Children’s vitamins
These items may be placed at the front entrance in the labeled boxes created by the BCS Spirit Committee.
20010 Bishop Foley Invitational
Science Olympiad Results
On Saturday, January 23rd, our Middle School Science Olympiad Team competed against 11 schools from around the area. We placed 1st overall! Almost every team member took home a medal or ribbon in one of their events!! The kids worked hard and had a fantastic time
The following students took home medals:
1st Place
• Elevated Bridge – Maria Roma & Aaron Levett
• Physical Science Lab – Maria Roma & Bassel Salka
• Trajectory – Bogdan Manga & Bryce Owens
• Bio – Process Lab – Natalie Kozak & Lillian Lu
• Road Scholar – Bogdan Manga & Adam Smith
• Dynamic Planet – Hannah Diehl & Will Trask
• Ecology – Aaron Levett & Lillian Lu
2nd Place
• Junkyard Challenge – Noah Smith & Will Trask
• Wright Stuff – Nadia Hakim & Nicole Floyd-Stancil
• Write-It Do-It – Hannah Diehl & Lillian Lu
3rd Place
• Battery Buggy – Trevor McMahon & Chandler Roberts
• Disease Detectives – Maria Roma & Natalie Kozak
• Experimental Design – Maria Roma, Nitin Kumar & Bassel Salka
• Fossils – Graham Ross & Adam Smith
• Meteorology – Hannah Diehl & Adam Smith
• Physical Science Lab – Jack Felch & Maximilian Campbell
• Wright Stuff – Lillian Lu & Hannah Diehl
4th Place
• Shock Value – Noah Smith & Nitin Kumar
• Solar System – Hannah Diehl & Aaron Levett
5th Place
• Battery Buggy – Adam Smith & Graham Ross
• Bio-Process Lab – Maximilian Campbell & Jack Felch
• Pentathlon – Nicole Floyd-Stancil, Chris Kompus, Clark Kingston & Brianna Williams
• Solar System – Jacob Anderson & James Rivard
6th Place
• Can’t Judge a Powder – Aaron Levett & Will Trask
• Road Scholar – Jacob Anderson & Trevor McMahon
• Science Crime Busters – Shounak Vale & Nitin Kumar
• Trajectory – Jacob Anderson, Michael Kmiec & James Rivard
(Disclaimer: Please check all your calendars and in case we missed something)
Monday, January 25
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• 4:15-7:30PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
Tuesday, January 26
• 7:30-8:00AM - BCS Diversity Committee meeting in Room 505 – All are welcome
• 8-8:20AM – Bagel sale in front of the media center by the 8th grade celebration committee
• 3:15-4:00PM – School store is open in the main hallway during choice hour
• 3:30PM – SNOW CLUB bus leaves for Pine Knob. Students return to BCS at 8:30PM and need to be picked up.
• 6:30-8:00PM – Proud Dad’s CO-ED Basketball – 3rd-6th grades
Wednesday, January 27
• 6:45-8:00AM –8th grade Girls Volleyball Try-outs
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• Popcorn Day – freshly popped popcorn is sold during choice hour for $1 in the main hallway.
• 3:15-5:00PM - Boys swim team practice
• 4:14-5:30PM –7th grade Girls Volleyball Try-outs
• 4:15-7:30PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
Thursday, January 28
• 6:45-8:00AM –8th grade Girls Volleyball Try-outs
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Boys swim team practice
• Market Day internet orders due by midnight. If you are unable to complete your order online, please contact Lori Croad at 248-348-4390.
• 3:15-6:30PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
• 4:15-5:30PM –7th grade Girls Volleyball Try-outs
• 6:30-8:00PM – Proud Dad’s CO-ED Basketball – 3rd-6th grades
Friday, January 29
• 6:45-8:00AM –8th grade Girls Volleyball Try-outs
• 7-8:00AM - 7th grade Girls Volleyball try-outs
• HALF DAY OF SCHOOL – Dismissal at 11:20AM. Busses are provided at the early dismissal time.
• 4PM – BCS Wait List for 09-10 School Year expires
• 4PM – Deadline for acceptance of Lottery Enrollment for 10-11 School Year
Hot Entrée menu for the week: (subject to change, if necessary)
- Available everyday: Salad Bar, Hamburgers, Chicken Patties, Pizza & Cheese Breadsticks
Monday –Soft Taco Day with Choice of Toppings and Corn
Tuesday –Make a Sub- Turkey or Ham, Carrots and Peas
Wednesday –Baked Potato Bar-Choice Toppings Broccoli, Cheese, Bacon or Chili
Thursday –Cook’s Choice
Friday – Half day of school. No lunch provided.
To submit an item for next week’s “WAG”, email by FRIDAY 7AM
PTSA is looking for parent volunteers to facilitate book clubs at lunchtime in the next few weeks. This is a fun and easy way to work with students and have enlightening lunchtime conversation. If you would like to volunteer for this great opportunity, please email Sarah Neal at
Don’t forget to pre-order your YEARBOOK for the 09-19 School Year. The yearbook is always popular at the end of the year and could sell-out!! You wouldn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to capture the school year in a keepsake yearbook. The order deadline is this Thursday, January 28. Order forms are located in the brochure rack in the main hallway or can be downloaded from the website.
We are recruiting engineering and technology professionals to speak to 7th and 8th grade Engage students. It’s an opportunity for engineers to talk about the profession and inspire kids to consider engineering as a career option. It takes dozens of volunteers to make this day a success. We need not just engineers, but scientists, web designers, architects, programmers, doctors, builders, and more. Why do you do what you do? What advice do you have to future talent? How have things changed? What does the future hold?
Do you want to volunteer for an hour? A day? Do you want to help us recruit volunteers and plan the
events? To volunteer, please send an email to tech@bcsparent. National Engineers Week Foundation sponsors national events and they have a website specifically for middle school students to learn more about engineering, technology, math, and science: There are interactive games and some entertaining videos about engineers making a difference.
The 3-4 Cookie Baking and Desserts Choice Hour class and its future bakers and taste testers are looking for donations for their class! They are in need of:
• Mixers, rolling pins, mixing bowls, microwave safe bowls, spatulas, wooden spoons and baking sheets
• Flour, sugar, brown sugar, vanilla and salt
• Zip-loc baggies, paper plates, paper towels, napkins, hand soap and wipes
Your contributions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for always supporting the Choice Hour program!
BCS – HELPING THE ORPHANS OF HAITI - Monday, January 25th – Thursday, January 28th
BCS will be accepting money donations to purchase mosquito nets and tents for the Harvest of Haiti Orphanage, the Reach Out to Haiti Orphanage, and their connected schools. These tents and nets will be used by the orphans and their caretakers as they continue to sleep outside due to the condition of the buildings.
If you are writing a check- you may write the amount to Harvest of Haiti. You may claim this donation on your 2009 tax return. All donations may be dropped off in the BCS main office.
If you are interested in donating items- These items are needed to assist the orphanages:
• Baby formula
• Diapers
• Baby clothes
• Baby food
• Freeze dried food
• Medical kits
• Tylenol/Motrin (children’s pain medication)
• Children’s vitamins
These items may be placed at the front entrance in the labeled boxes created by the BCS Spirit Committee.
The 2010 BCS Blast committee is hard at work putting together another fun-filled evening for the largest fundraiser for our school. Please mark your calendars with these dates: Friday, March 19th (3:30 – 5:00) and Sunday, March 21st from 3:30 – 7:30. Friday is the Auction Preview which allows you to get a glimpse of the silent auction items and to possibly “grab” one of the closed bid items, and then the actual event for the whole family is on Sunday is when there are games, food, prizes, the silent auction, and a wonder raffle drawing with three amazing prizes! This year’s theme is “Blast to the Future.” You will be receiving more information in the next few weeks via Blast emails. However, you can take action now by donating to the silent auction, volunteering your time, and/or becoming a patron family (which has special privileges including valet parking!) You can find these forms on the BCS website listed under the “Blast” tab.
Mom’s and Dad’s the Co-Ed Basketball program at BCS is underway….and it is not too late to sign up. Training is from 6:30 – 8:00pm Tuesday and Thursdays. Our next session is January 26, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. The folks from Tweaked will be filming the kid’s technique for dribbling, lay up’s, and set shots…should prove to be a riot!! J Please encourage your son or daughter from 3 – 6th grades to come out and get some good exercise, learn the basics of basketball, and have fun at the same time. Regards, Proud Dads
All remaining tickets for all performances will be sold this week on Tuesday & Wednesday, January 26th and 27th in front of the BCS office from 8 to 8:30 am and from 3 to 4:15 pm. Tickets will not be available at the door on performance day! Payment will be accepted by check (payable to BCS PTSA) or exact cash only.
Public Performances: Thursday, Feb. 4th @ 7:00 pm
Friday, Feb 5th @ 7:30 pm
Ticket Price is $8
Student/Staff Performance: Friday, Feb 5th @ 3:30 pm
Ticket Price is $5
The student performance will end at approximately 5:30pm - Students will need to arrange their own transportation home after the play!!
Does your child carpool, ride the bus, walk or bike to school? Be sure they check out the carpooling stand in front of the media center run by Maria Graham, Claire Foxworth, and Rachel Herster. Every week your student can enter for the chance to win a carpooling, biking, walking, or bus riding T-shirt. If your student does not carpool or ride the bus, or walk to school, give it a try! Did you know that by carpooling once a week you can save 105 pounds C02 emissions per year! That’s more than recycling all of your plastic and magazines for one year!
Boys Swim Team (grades 6-8) and Girls Volleyball (grades 7-8) are the Winter II sports. Students who want to participate must have all athletic paperwork (including physical evaluation and fee payment) submitted before they can practice.
• Athletic paperwork can be picked up in the front office or downloaded from
• Athletic paperwork and fees can be turned into the front office immediately. It is strongly suggested not to wait until the day before practice starts to turn in paperwork.
• Once all paperwork is complete and the fee is paid, the student will be issued a slip of eligibility, referred to as the “orange slip”. It is the responsibility of the student to give the “orange slip” to the coach at the first practice attended. The slip is essentially an admission ticket to the student’s first practice. The student will not be allowed to practice without an eligibility slip.
• Try-outs for volleyball begin on January 27. 7th grade volleyball coach is Leon Braisted. 8th grade coach is Angela Geisler.
• Swim practices begins on January 27. Swim coaches are Bill Johansson and Mat Brown.
ADHD? BIPOLAR? WHICH IS IT? Please come to the presentation on February 4 at 7:00PM in the BCS Media Center. At this Friends meeting BCS teacher Rick Joseph and his wife Mary Beth Seefelt, an art therapist and stay-at-home parent, will discuss the challenges and opportunities that they have encountered while raising a child with Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. Their son’s psychologist, a respected author and expert in the field, Dr. Ira Glovinsky, will offer insight as to how parents can recognize the signs of ADHD and Pediatric Bipolar Disorder in their child. All are welcome.
Visit the BPS Community Education website ( to get details and registration information of the Sports Camp offered during February break , or call 248-203-3800. Registration deadline is 12:00 NOON on February 11.
Scott Feldmaier is patrolling our parking lot and doing a nice job of policing the East area where many of our students cross. It is important that when picking your children up from school that you are not parking in front of the handicap spaces and blocking cars from leaving. We have made some improvements in our parking lot but have a long way to go if we are truly going to make a difference for our students. Patience, common sense, and team work- we can do this!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
BCS Staff Embraces Diversity

On MLK Day the BCS Staff viewed a 40 minute film entitled “Reuniting the Children of Abraham.” The movie featured Detroit area high school students of different cultural and religious backgrounds who came together to break down barriers of prejudice and create greater understanding of each other. After watching the film, the staff listened to an interfaith panel featuring Gigi Salka, Brenda Rosenberg, Yash Lakra, and Mary Ann Ford. Each member represented a different religion.
After the panel discussion, the staff broke into small groups to discuss ways we can continue to celebrate our diversity at BCS both as colleagues and educators of children. The day was very powerful and the lessons were most meaningful. For more information, please visit or email the BCS Diversity Committee at
WAG- from Hal
Dear Parents
On tomorrow, we as a nation will observe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, for many it is a day off or used as a day of service to others. At BCS, we have used the day to be reflective on the topic of diversity that face not only ourselves but that of our students. Our focus over the years has touched on many facets of diversity and this year we will touch on religious diversity.
I personally believe it is always important to take time out to reflect each day. We often ask our students to take to time reflect on such things as their assignments, their goals and their behavior. We have even infused this message of reflection into our 3 E’s of Education, Environment and Each Other as we ask students, “How are you valuing each of the 3 E’s?” One of my favorite education minded blogs is the “The Thinking Stick” by Jeff Utecht and he of wrote on the topic of reflection. In the blog post, Jeff posed the question “Do you give yourself permission to reflect?” He also went on to mention that reflection is hard work. Whether you are sorting out emotions and discerning personal values and attitudes, or discovering the shaky underpinnings of contemporary truths, reflection takes work. It seems as though in life we get so busy with rushing here and there that we don’t set aside time to reflect. I for one have been guilty of becoming to busy to take time to reflect and recently have tried to set a time each day no matter what to reflect. So hopefully, you and your children have a point in the day set aside for reflection whether it be on school, work and or family.
I hope that you will have wonderful week!
(Disclaimer: Please check all your calendars and in case we missed something)
Monday, January 18
• No School – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
• 3:00-6:30PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
Tuesday, January 19
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice-7th & 8th graders only
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
• 8-8:20AM – Bagel sale in front of the media center by the 8th grade celebration committee
• 3:15-4:00PM – School store is open in the main hallway during choice hour
• 3:30PM – SNOW CLUB bus leaves for Pine Knob. Students return to BCS at 8:30PM and need to be picked up.
• 6:30-8:00PM – Proud Dad’s CO-ED Basketball – 3rd-6th grades
• 6:30-8PM – BCS Technology Committee Meeting – Media Center
• 7:00PM - BPS Board of Education meeting at the BPS Administration building, 550 West Merrill Street, Birmingham. Watch it live on Comcast channel 17.
• 7 PM – Seaholm Academic Night – for 8th graders and their parents planning to attend Seaholm-Wagner Auditorium
Wednesday, January 20
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• 9:00 AM - Superintendent’s Coffee with the Community – Starbucks at Maple & Lahser
• Popcorn Day – freshly popped popcorn is sold during choice hour for $1 in the main hallway.
• E-Bugle published today!
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ East Hills MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows. Maps to away games can be found on .
• 4:15-7:00PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
• 5:00PM –Girls swimming League Meet @ Groves – 7th & 8th grade only
• 7:00PM-Public Lottery for 2010-2011 School Year-BCS Staff Development Room
Thursday, January 21
• 4:00PM-Lottery results published for the 2010-2011 School Year
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ Norup MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows. Maps to away games can be found on .
• 6:30-8:00PM – Proud Dad’s CO-ED Basketball – 3rd-6th grades
• 6-8:00PM – Battle of the Books Social – cafeteria
• 7 PM – Friends of Different Learners Meeting – Camp Fair, Groves high School – Commons Area
Friday, January 22
• 4:15-7:00PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
Hot Entrée menu for the week: (subject to change, if necessary)
- Available everyday: Salad Bar, Hamburgers, Chicken Patties, Pizza & Cheese Breadsticks
Monday – No School
Tuesday –Pizza Bagel, Small Salad, Carrots and Peas
Wednesday –Spaghetti, Garlic Bread and Broccoli
Thursday –Baked Chicken, Nuggets, Cheesy Potatoes and Corn
Friday –Grilled Cheese, Tomato soup
To submit an item for next week’s “WAG”, email by FRIDAY 7AM
We are excited to announce BCS Family Night on Friday, January 22nd @ The Palace! BCS Family Night includes tickets for both the BCS versus Bloomfield Hills Middle School games and the exciting match between the Detroit Pistons and the Indiana Pacers! What a great family outing for a Friday night!
Each year our 8th grade boys basketball team and this year our 7th grade team has a once in a lifetime opportunity to compete in a game at the Palace of Auburn Hills. In order for the students to participate, BCS is responsible for selling 200 game tickets. The tickets are normally priced at $65 (lower level seats) but we are able to sell them at a discounted price of only $35 each. The BCS games begin at 2:00 p.m. with the 7th graders and followed by the 8th grade game at 4 p.m. The Pistons game will begin at 7:30 p.m. Since the BCS game is close in time to the professional game, the kids and your family will have a better chance of meeting players from the Pistons and/or Pacers.
We really need your help in hopes of making this event happen. The BCS boys’ basketball team can achieve their dream if you can buy or sell tickets to your family, friends and/or colleagues. The ticket order form is attached to this email. Thanks for all of your support. We truly appreciate you!
Also anyone who purchases three or more tickets will be entered into a drawing for two courtside seats ($400 per seat value) at a future Pistons game.
BCS BAND PARENTS of 7th & 8th graders: The BCS winter band concert for the 7th & 8th grade bands will take place on Wednesday, February 10, 2010. The concert will be held from 7:00-8:00pm in the BCS cafeteria. Students should arrive at BCS no later than 6:30pm.
Boys Swim Team (grades 6-8) and Girls Volleyball (grades 7-8) are the Winter II sports. Students who want to participate must have all athletic paperwork (including physical evaluation and fee payment) submitted before they can practice.
• Athletic paperwork can be picked up in the front office or downloaded from
• Athletic paperwork and fees can be turned into the front office immediately. It is strongly suggested not to wait until the day before practice starts to turn in paperwork.
• Once all paperwork is complete and the fee is paid, the student will be issued a slip of eligibility, referred to as the “orange slip”. It is the responsibility of the student to give the “orange slip” to the coach at the first practice attended. The slip is essentially an admission ticket to the student’s first practice. The student will not be allowed to practice without an eligibility slip.
• Try-outs for volleyball begin on January 27. 7th grade volleyball coach is Leon Braisted. 8th grade coach is Angela Geisler.
• Swim practices begins on January 27. Swim coaches are Bill Johansson and Mat Brown.
Welcome to the BCS Media Center! We are currently in need of volunteers on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. As a media center volunteer, you will work directly with the Media Specialist on a wide array of projects including reading and locating books, checking materials in and out, shelving materials and pulling materials for class assignments. Volunteers are extremely important because they allow the media center to remain open to students throughout the day.
Morning shifts are flexible. Work from 8:30 - 10:30, 9:00 - 11:00, or 10:00 - 12:00 once or twice a month. Media center volunteering is a great way to get involved and work with BCS students, including your own. No experience is necessary but reliability is helpful and appreciated!
If interested, please email Gina Herdegen, 2009/2010 Media Center Volunteer Coordinator at or 248-562-7559 with: Your Name, Days and times available to work, Email address, and Phone Number.
Tickets for the student/staff performance will be on sale this week during all lunches on Weds thru Friday January 20th - 22nd in the BCS cafeteria! Ticket price is $5 per ticket. The performance will end at approximately 5:30pm - Students will need to arrange their own transportation home after the play!!
Tickets will NOT be available at the door on performance day. Ticket order forms were sent home with students and are also available on the BCS website. Payment will be accepted by check (payable to BCS PTSA) or exact cash only. Maximum purchase of 2 tickets per student sold on a first come, first served basis.
January 27, 2010 - 10:00-11:30am at the BPS Administration Building. The speaker, Ernest Bauer, Ph.D.
Director of Research, Evaluation and Assessment Programs, Oakland Schools, will present assessment data of MEAP and MME comparing students with and without IEP’s across the district, county and state. Dr. Bauer will discuss the distribution and variables on the data and will be able to answer questions. The presentation will be followed by open discussion with BPS Administration about the data and achievement gaps shown in the data.
Thursday, January 21, 2010 7 – 9 pm, Groves High School (enter building from west parking lot)
Summer and year round programs for children with special needs!
Friends of Different Learners is pleased to sponsor their annual Camp and Resource Fair 2010 on Thursday evening, January 21, 2010. This year’s Fair is an information vehicle servicing families seeking programs accepting children with special needs. Participants this year include service providers who offer camps or programs in the summer and throughout the year for children in both self-contained and inclusion environments, local therapists and tutors, and others offering specialized products and services. Free admission and everyone is welcome.
Visit the BPS Community Education website ( to get details and registration information of the Sports Camp offered during February break , or call 248-203-3800. Registration deadline is 12:00 NOON on February 11.
On tomorrow, we as a nation will observe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, for many it is a day off or used as a day of service to others. At BCS, we have used the day to be reflective on the topic of diversity that face not only ourselves but that of our students. Our focus over the years has touched on many facets of diversity and this year we will touch on religious diversity.
I personally believe it is always important to take time out to reflect each day. We often ask our students to take to time reflect on such things as their assignments, their goals and their behavior. We have even infused this message of reflection into our 3 E’s of Education, Environment and Each Other as we ask students, “How are you valuing each of the 3 E’s?” One of my favorite education minded blogs is the “The Thinking Stick” by Jeff Utecht and he of wrote on the topic of reflection. In the blog post, Jeff posed the question “Do you give yourself permission to reflect?” He also went on to mention that reflection is hard work. Whether you are sorting out emotions and discerning personal values and attitudes, or discovering the shaky underpinnings of contemporary truths, reflection takes work. It seems as though in life we get so busy with rushing here and there that we don’t set aside time to reflect. I for one have been guilty of becoming to busy to take time to reflect and recently have tried to set a time each day no matter what to reflect. So hopefully, you and your children have a point in the day set aside for reflection whether it be on school, work and or family.
I hope that you will have wonderful week!
(Disclaimer: Please check all your calendars and in case we missed something)
Monday, January 18
• No School – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
• 3:00-6:30PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
Tuesday, January 19
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice-7th & 8th graders only
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
• 8-8:20AM – Bagel sale in front of the media center by the 8th grade celebration committee
• 3:15-4:00PM – School store is open in the main hallway during choice hour
• 3:30PM – SNOW CLUB bus leaves for Pine Knob. Students return to BCS at 8:30PM and need to be picked up.
• 6:30-8:00PM – Proud Dad’s CO-ED Basketball – 3rd-6th grades
• 6:30-8PM – BCS Technology Committee Meeting – Media Center
• 7:00PM - BPS Board of Education meeting at the BPS Administration building, 550 West Merrill Street, Birmingham. Watch it live on Comcast channel 17.
• 7 PM – Seaholm Academic Night – for 8th graders and their parents planning to attend Seaholm-Wagner Auditorium
Wednesday, January 20
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• 9:00 AM - Superintendent’s Coffee with the Community – Starbucks at Maple & Lahser
• Popcorn Day – freshly popped popcorn is sold during choice hour for $1 in the main hallway.
• E-Bugle published today!
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ East Hills MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows. Maps to away games can be found on .
• 4:15-7:00PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
• 5:00PM –Girls swimming League Meet @ Groves – 7th & 8th grade only
• 7:00PM-Public Lottery for 2010-2011 School Year-BCS Staff Development Room
Thursday, January 21
• 4:00PM-Lottery results published for the 2010-2011 School Year
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ Norup MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows. Maps to away games can be found on .
• 6:30-8:00PM – Proud Dad’s CO-ED Basketball – 3rd-6th grades
• 6-8:00PM – Battle of the Books Social – cafeteria
• 7 PM – Friends of Different Learners Meeting – Camp Fair, Groves high School – Commons Area
Friday, January 22
• 4:15-7:00PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
Hot Entrée menu for the week: (subject to change, if necessary)
- Available everyday: Salad Bar, Hamburgers, Chicken Patties, Pizza & Cheese Breadsticks
Monday – No School
Tuesday –Pizza Bagel, Small Salad, Carrots and Peas
Wednesday –Spaghetti, Garlic Bread and Broccoli
Thursday –Baked Chicken, Nuggets, Cheesy Potatoes and Corn
Friday –Grilled Cheese, Tomato soup
To submit an item for next week’s “WAG”, email by FRIDAY 7AM
We are excited to announce BCS Family Night on Friday, January 22nd @ The Palace! BCS Family Night includes tickets for both the BCS versus Bloomfield Hills Middle School games and the exciting match between the Detroit Pistons and the Indiana Pacers! What a great family outing for a Friday night!
Each year our 8th grade boys basketball team and this year our 7th grade team has a once in a lifetime opportunity to compete in a game at the Palace of Auburn Hills. In order for the students to participate, BCS is responsible for selling 200 game tickets. The tickets are normally priced at $65 (lower level seats) but we are able to sell them at a discounted price of only $35 each. The BCS games begin at 2:00 p.m. with the 7th graders and followed by the 8th grade game at 4 p.m. The Pistons game will begin at 7:30 p.m. Since the BCS game is close in time to the professional game, the kids and your family will have a better chance of meeting players from the Pistons and/or Pacers.
We really need your help in hopes of making this event happen. The BCS boys’ basketball team can achieve their dream if you can buy or sell tickets to your family, friends and/or colleagues. The ticket order form is attached to this email. Thanks for all of your support. We truly appreciate you!
Also anyone who purchases three or more tickets will be entered into a drawing for two courtside seats ($400 per seat value) at a future Pistons game.
BCS BAND PARENTS of 7th & 8th graders: The BCS winter band concert for the 7th & 8th grade bands will take place on Wednesday, February 10, 2010. The concert will be held from 7:00-8:00pm in the BCS cafeteria. Students should arrive at BCS no later than 6:30pm.
Boys Swim Team (grades 6-8) and Girls Volleyball (grades 7-8) are the Winter II sports. Students who want to participate must have all athletic paperwork (including physical evaluation and fee payment) submitted before they can practice.
• Athletic paperwork can be picked up in the front office or downloaded from
• Athletic paperwork and fees can be turned into the front office immediately. It is strongly suggested not to wait until the day before practice starts to turn in paperwork.
• Once all paperwork is complete and the fee is paid, the student will be issued a slip of eligibility, referred to as the “orange slip”. It is the responsibility of the student to give the “orange slip” to the coach at the first practice attended. The slip is essentially an admission ticket to the student’s first practice. The student will not be allowed to practice without an eligibility slip.
• Try-outs for volleyball begin on January 27. 7th grade volleyball coach is Leon Braisted. 8th grade coach is Angela Geisler.
• Swim practices begins on January 27. Swim coaches are Bill Johansson and Mat Brown.
Welcome to the BCS Media Center! We are currently in need of volunteers on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. As a media center volunteer, you will work directly with the Media Specialist on a wide array of projects including reading and locating books, checking materials in and out, shelving materials and pulling materials for class assignments. Volunteers are extremely important because they allow the media center to remain open to students throughout the day.
Morning shifts are flexible. Work from 8:30 - 10:30, 9:00 - 11:00, or 10:00 - 12:00 once or twice a month. Media center volunteering is a great way to get involved and work with BCS students, including your own. No experience is necessary but reliability is helpful and appreciated!
If interested, please email Gina Herdegen, 2009/2010 Media Center Volunteer Coordinator at or 248-562-7559 with: Your Name, Days and times available to work, Email address, and Phone Number.
Tickets for the student/staff performance will be on sale this week during all lunches on Weds thru Friday January 20th - 22nd in the BCS cafeteria! Ticket price is $5 per ticket. The performance will end at approximately 5:30pm - Students will need to arrange their own transportation home after the play!!
Tickets will NOT be available at the door on performance day. Ticket order forms were sent home with students and are also available on the BCS website. Payment will be accepted by check (payable to BCS PTSA) or exact cash only. Maximum purchase of 2 tickets per student sold on a first come, first served basis.
January 27, 2010 - 10:00-11:30am at the BPS Administration Building. The speaker, Ernest Bauer, Ph.D.
Director of Research, Evaluation and Assessment Programs, Oakland Schools, will present assessment data of MEAP and MME comparing students with and without IEP’s across the district, county and state. Dr. Bauer will discuss the distribution and variables on the data and will be able to answer questions. The presentation will be followed by open discussion with BPS Administration about the data and achievement gaps shown in the data.
Thursday, January 21, 2010 7 – 9 pm, Groves High School (enter building from west parking lot)
Summer and year round programs for children with special needs!
Friends of Different Learners is pleased to sponsor their annual Camp and Resource Fair 2010 on Thursday evening, January 21, 2010. This year’s Fair is an information vehicle servicing families seeking programs accepting children with special needs. Participants this year include service providers who offer camps or programs in the summer and throughout the year for children in both self-contained and inclusion environments, local therapists and tutors, and others offering specialized products and services. Free admission and everyone is welcome.
Visit the BPS Community Education website ( to get details and registration information of the Sports Camp offered during February break , or call 248-203-3800. Registration deadline is 12:00 NOON on February 11.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
W.A.G. Jan 11-15
January 10, 2010
Dear BCS Families,
On December 15, 2009 the Birmingham School Board was asked to approve a donation of a Windspire wind turbine to BCS. The school board is receptive to the donation and will be asked to officially approve the project at the board meeting this Tuesday. Many people have worked hard over the course of the past year to bring the turbine to BCS. It is now close to becoming a reality!
The Windspire wind turbine is a low-cost, low-noise, attractive wind power appliance for use in urban, suburban, rural and remote locations. Manufactured in the U.S. by Mariah Power, Windspire turbines are propeller-free, vertical-axis designs that feature patented technology that maximizes energy conversion from wind into electric power, regardless of changing wind speed and direction. The Windspire portfolio includes a 1.2 kW version (coming to BCS), a special High Wind version and a 230V European Grid version. The Windspire has been featured in Fortune, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, and on “20/20”, CNN and NPR. For more information, visit
Why is it coming to BCS?
Mariah Power has donated the windspire to BCS. The company
was looking to donate a turbine to an educational organization and
John Carlos, a BCS proud dad, mentioned that his daughter’s school may
be interested. Neil Campbell, BPS Executive Director of Operations, and
Mr. Carlos worked with local contractors to have the material
and labor donated.
Where is the Windspire going?
The Windspire will be placed in the bus turnaround on the west side of
the building. The location was decided on two factors. One, all city ordinances
must be followed (the turbine must be 192 feet back from houses and the road)
and two, the Windspire needs to be in an area free of wind barriers to work
properly. These two factors place the Windspire in the back
parking lot. This will not disrupt games such as basketball, four square or other
activities that our students play during recess. While they will have to play around the structure, there is still plenty of room for them to continue their recess activities. (see attachment)
How is the power generated from the Windspire and where will the power go?
The Windspire wind turbine generates power when wind blows against its vertical airfoils causing them to spin. This power is then converted to AC electricity. While the technology behind the Windspire is complex, the basic premise is simple: the stronger the wind the more power it will generate. The power will be directly feeding the electrical grid located in the BCS engineering technology lab and will also power tools in the lab to help with small projects and experiments.
BCS- Preparing our Leaders for the Future
Our staff and students will use the Windspire to learn about wind power and how we can use it to promote clean energy. The Windspire comes with a wireless monitor that will allow the students to see the exact amount of power it is producing. The students will be learning from the Windspire and will be participating in activities and projects that will prepare them for the future. The BCS Green Committee comprised of students, staff, and parents, will be clean energy ambassadors as they continue to promote environmental friendly choices.
When will the Windspire be installed?
Pending board approval, the Windspire will be installed as soon as possible after January 12, 2009 (board meeting). It depends on the schedule of the contractors and whether or not the ground is too frozen. It may be next week or it may go in this spring. I will keep you posted on the timeline.
I would like to thank John Carlos for his efforts throughout this process and the Birmingham School Board, Dr. Larson’s office, Proud Dad’s, and the PTSA for their support. Mr. Carlos will be attending the board meeting on Tuesday to represent Mariah Power and their generous donation.
BCS continues to be a model school for educating our future leaders in the area of clean energy! This is a big step in becoming a school that promotes innovations, big or small, to change the world!
Have a great week!
Click here to see the Windspire in action
(Disclaimer: Please check all your calendars and in case we missed something)
To submit an item for next week’s “WAG”, email by FRIDAY 7AM
ALL WEEK: Register for the BCS Lottery for the 2010-2011 School Year at the BPS Administration Building, 550 W. Merrill Street, Birmingham (just east of Southfield Road). Hours to complete a lottery registration card are M-F, 8:00AM – 5:00PM, with extended hours to 7:00PM on Tuesday. Lottery registration cards cannot be completed at BCS. The Public Lottery is January 20, 2010 at BCS-Staff Development Rooms.
Monday, January 11
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• 9:15AM – 3/4 Room Parents Meeting
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ home vs. Bloomfield Hills MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows.
• 4:15PM –Girls swim meet vs. Bloomfield Hills Middle School @ Home
• 4:15-5:30PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
Tuesday, January 12
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice-7th & 8th graders only
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
• 7:30-8:00AM - BCS Diversity Committee meeting in Room 505 – All are welcome
• 8-8:20AM – Bagel sale in front of the media center by the 8th grade celebration committee
• All day - Disability Awareness Workshop for 5th & 6th graders in these homerooms: Bishop, Brown, Burdick, Cook
• 8:30 – 9:30AM – Groves Counselors Visit BCS for 8th graders to review 9th grade scheduling
• 9:30 AM – BBFA Meeting – “Raising Young Boys” at the Gary M. Doyle Center
• 3:15-4:00PM – School store is open in the main hallway during choice hour
• 3:30PM – SNOW CLUB bus leaves for Pine Knob. Students return to BCS at 8:30PM and need to be picked up.
• 7 PM – BLAST Committee Meeting-Media Center
• BBFA Meeting – “Adolescent Boys” at the Gary M. Doyle Center
Wednesday, January 13
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• All day - Disability Awareness Workshop for 5th & 6th graders in these homerooms: Fitzgerald, Joseph, Maliszewski, Roberts
• 7th & 8th graders in Janet Kelmegian’s PE class will be swimming today – bring suit & towel
• Popcorn Day – freshly popped popcorn is sold during choice hour for $1 in the main hallway.
• 3:15 – 5:00PM –Girls swim practice-7th & 8th graders only
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ Derby MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows. Maps to away games can be found on .
• 4:15-6:00PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
• 7 PM – Groves Parents Curriculum Night – for parents of 8th graders attending Groves-Auditorium
Thursday, January 14
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice-7th & 8th graders only
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
• 7th & 8th graders in Janet Kelmegian’s PE class will be swimming today – bring suit & towel
• 12:30PM – Lunch with the Principal in Staff Development I (located down 600 Hall). Bring your lunch for this informal time with the principal to ask questions and learn his perspectives.
• 1:15PM – PTSA Clearinghouse Meeting in Staff Development I-All are invited to learn about the operations of the PTSA at BCS. Bring a friend or meet new friends.
• 7 PM – Friends of Different Learners Meeting – Camp Fair, location TBD
Friday, January 15 - Trash –Free Friday – see comments below
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice-7th & 8th graders only
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
• Deadline: Articles for E-Bugle due today
Hot Entrée menu for the week: (subject to change, if necessary)
- Available everyday: Salad Bar, Hamburgers, Chicken Patties, Pizza & Cheese Breadsticks
Monday –Cream Chicken over Biscuit, Mixed Vegetables
Tuesday –Chicken Fajitas, Rice and Corn
Wednesday –Corn Dogs, Sweet Potato Fries, California Blend, Jello
Thursday –Spaghetti, Green Beans and Garlic Bread
Friday –Baked Mac and Cheese or Soup with Breadstick, Green Beans
The Proud Dads will be offering Co-Ed basketball for 3rd-6th grades. The program will start on January 19th. Look for an email flyer during the week of January 11th to sign your student up. The Proud Dads are looking for 4 – 6 dads with basketball experience to assist in coaching. If interested, please email Max Rogers at to let him know. Lending a hand to coach our kids is a great way to continue to make BCS a special place, to meet new people, and to get one of those very cool Under Armor PD shirts!!
Boys Swim Team (grades 6-8) and Girls Volleyball (grades 7-8) are the Winter II sports. Students who want to participate must have all athletic paperwork (including physical evaluation and fee payment) submitted before they can practice.
• Athletic paperwork can be picked up in the front office or downloaded from
• Athletic paperwork and fees can be turned into the front office immediately. It is strongly suggested not to wait until the day before practice starts to turn in paperwork.
• Once all paperwork is complete and the fee is paid, the student will be issued a slip of eligibility, referred to as the “orange slip”. It is the responsibility of the student to give the “orange slip” to the coach at the first practice attended. The slip is essentially an admission ticket to the student’s first practice. The student will not be allowed to practice without an eligibility slip.
• Try-outs for volleyball begin on January 27. 7th grade volleyball coach is Leon Braisted. 8th grade coach is Angela Geisler.
• Swim practices begins on January 27. Swim coaches are Bill Johansson and Mat Brown.
If you have an 8th grader and have not yet turned in the “HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULING” form, please email the following information to Mary Baughman ( in the counseling office: Your child’s name and the high school he/she will be attending. Additionally, if you are using the open enrollment option for either Seaholm or Groves, please indicate that in the email (ie: We live in the Seaholm feeder pattern, but will be open enrolling our child at Groves High School OR We live in the Groves feeder pattern, but will be open enrolling our child at Seaholm High School.) Please take the time to complete the email as soon as you can as high schools are already planning for next year.
The Joseph/Roberts (“Joberts”) fifth graders are entering the Siemens We Can Change the World challenge this year. For their project, they are trying to reduce the amount of trash we generate at BCS, focusing particularly on the cafeteria. They would like to initiate “Trash Free Fridays” at BCS and they are asking for your help. Each Friday they will be collecting data after lunch about the amount of trash we generate in the cafeteria. They would like the students to think about packing a Trash free lunch and have put together the following tips:
• Use a lunch box or reusable sack.
• Pack a cloth napkin and reusable utensils.
• Put food in reusable food and drink containers.
• If you must use a disposable plastic bag, wash it out and keep reusing it.
• Purchase your snacks in bulk size and repack into individual reusable containers.
• Pack fresh fruit since it doesn't require any additional packaging.
Disposable lunches can create between 4–8 ounces of garbage every day.
That can add up to as much as 100 pounds per year! With your help, the Joberts kids believe that we truly can become agents of change!!
If you buy lunch, please buy only what you believe you can eat and try not to have any waste!!
Dear BCS Families,
On December 15, 2009 the Birmingham School Board was asked to approve a donation of a Windspire wind turbine to BCS. The school board is receptive to the donation and will be asked to officially approve the project at the board meeting this Tuesday. Many people have worked hard over the course of the past year to bring the turbine to BCS. It is now close to becoming a reality!
The Windspire wind turbine is a low-cost, low-noise, attractive wind power appliance for use in urban, suburban, rural and remote locations. Manufactured in the U.S. by Mariah Power, Windspire turbines are propeller-free, vertical-axis designs that feature patented technology that maximizes energy conversion from wind into electric power, regardless of changing wind speed and direction. The Windspire portfolio includes a 1.2 kW version (coming to BCS), a special High Wind version and a 230V European Grid version. The Windspire has been featured in Fortune, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, and on “20/20”, CNN and NPR. For more information, visit
Why is it coming to BCS?
Mariah Power has donated the windspire to BCS. The company
was looking to donate a turbine to an educational organization and
John Carlos, a BCS proud dad, mentioned that his daughter’s school may
be interested. Neil Campbell, BPS Executive Director of Operations, and
Mr. Carlos worked with local contractors to have the material
and labor donated.
Where is the Windspire going?
The Windspire will be placed in the bus turnaround on the west side of
the building. The location was decided on two factors. One, all city ordinances
must be followed (the turbine must be 192 feet back from houses and the road)
and two, the Windspire needs to be in an area free of wind barriers to work
properly. These two factors place the Windspire in the back
parking lot. This will not disrupt games such as basketball, four square or other
activities that our students play during recess. While they will have to play around the structure, there is still plenty of room for them to continue their recess activities. (see attachment)
How is the power generated from the Windspire and where will the power go?
The Windspire wind turbine generates power when wind blows against its vertical airfoils causing them to spin. This power is then converted to AC electricity. While the technology behind the Windspire is complex, the basic premise is simple: the stronger the wind the more power it will generate. The power will be directly feeding the electrical grid located in the BCS engineering technology lab and will also power tools in the lab to help with small projects and experiments.
BCS- Preparing our Leaders for the Future
Our staff and students will use the Windspire to learn about wind power and how we can use it to promote clean energy. The Windspire comes with a wireless monitor that will allow the students to see the exact amount of power it is producing. The students will be learning from the Windspire and will be participating in activities and projects that will prepare them for the future. The BCS Green Committee comprised of students, staff, and parents, will be clean energy ambassadors as they continue to promote environmental friendly choices.
When will the Windspire be installed?
Pending board approval, the Windspire will be installed as soon as possible after January 12, 2009 (board meeting). It depends on the schedule of the contractors and whether or not the ground is too frozen. It may be next week or it may go in this spring. I will keep you posted on the timeline.
I would like to thank John Carlos for his efforts throughout this process and the Birmingham School Board, Dr. Larson’s office, Proud Dad’s, and the PTSA for their support. Mr. Carlos will be attending the board meeting on Tuesday to represent Mariah Power and their generous donation.
BCS continues to be a model school for educating our future leaders in the area of clean energy! This is a big step in becoming a school that promotes innovations, big or small, to change the world!
Have a great week!
Click here to see the Windspire in action
(Disclaimer: Please check all your calendars and in case we missed something)
To submit an item for next week’s “WAG”, email by FRIDAY 7AM
ALL WEEK: Register for the BCS Lottery for the 2010-2011 School Year at the BPS Administration Building, 550 W. Merrill Street, Birmingham (just east of Southfield Road). Hours to complete a lottery registration card are M-F, 8:00AM – 5:00PM, with extended hours to 7:00PM on Tuesday. Lottery registration cards cannot be completed at BCS. The Public Lottery is January 20, 2010 at BCS-Staff Development Rooms.
Monday, January 11
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• 9:15AM – 3/4 Room Parents Meeting
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ home vs. Bloomfield Hills MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows.
• 4:15PM –Girls swim meet vs. Bloomfield Hills Middle School @ Home
• 4:15-5:30PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
Tuesday, January 12
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice-7th & 8th graders only
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
• 7:30-8:00AM - BCS Diversity Committee meeting in Room 505 – All are welcome
• 8-8:20AM – Bagel sale in front of the media center by the 8th grade celebration committee
• All day - Disability Awareness Workshop for 5th & 6th graders in these homerooms: Bishop, Brown, Burdick, Cook
• 8:30 – 9:30AM – Groves Counselors Visit BCS for 8th graders to review 9th grade scheduling
• 9:30 AM – BBFA Meeting – “Raising Young Boys” at the Gary M. Doyle Center
• 3:15-4:00PM – School store is open in the main hallway during choice hour
• 3:30PM – SNOW CLUB bus leaves for Pine Knob. Students return to BCS at 8:30PM and need to be picked up.
• 7 PM – BLAST Committee Meeting-Media Center
• BBFA Meeting – “Adolescent Boys” at the Gary M. Doyle Center
Wednesday, January 13
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• All day - Disability Awareness Workshop for 5th & 6th graders in these homerooms: Fitzgerald, Joseph, Maliszewski, Roberts
• 7th & 8th graders in Janet Kelmegian’s PE class will be swimming today – bring suit & towel
• Popcorn Day – freshly popped popcorn is sold during choice hour for $1 in the main hallway.
• 3:15 – 5:00PM –Girls swim practice-7th & 8th graders only
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ Derby MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows. Maps to away games can be found on .
• 4:15-6:00PM – Oklahoma! play practice for the full cast
• 7 PM – Groves Parents Curriculum Night – for parents of 8th graders attending Groves-Auditorium
Thursday, January 14
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice-7th & 8th graders only
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
• 7th & 8th graders in Janet Kelmegian’s PE class will be swimming today – bring suit & towel
• 12:30PM – Lunch with the Principal in Staff Development I (located down 600 Hall). Bring your lunch for this informal time with the principal to ask questions and learn his perspectives.
• 1:15PM – PTSA Clearinghouse Meeting in Staff Development I-All are invited to learn about the operations of the PTSA at BCS. Bring a friend or meet new friends.
• 7 PM – Friends of Different Learners Meeting – Camp Fair, location TBD
Friday, January 15 - Trash –Free Friday – see comments below
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice-7th & 8th graders only
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
• Deadline: Articles for E-Bugle due today
Hot Entrée menu for the week: (subject to change, if necessary)
- Available everyday: Salad Bar, Hamburgers, Chicken Patties, Pizza & Cheese Breadsticks
Monday –Cream Chicken over Biscuit, Mixed Vegetables
Tuesday –Chicken Fajitas, Rice and Corn
Wednesday –Corn Dogs, Sweet Potato Fries, California Blend, Jello
Thursday –Spaghetti, Green Beans and Garlic Bread
Friday –Baked Mac and Cheese or Soup with Breadstick, Green Beans
The Proud Dads will be offering Co-Ed basketball for 3rd-6th grades. The program will start on January 19th. Look for an email flyer during the week of January 11th to sign your student up. The Proud Dads are looking for 4 – 6 dads with basketball experience to assist in coaching. If interested, please email Max Rogers at to let him know. Lending a hand to coach our kids is a great way to continue to make BCS a special place, to meet new people, and to get one of those very cool Under Armor PD shirts!!
Boys Swim Team (grades 6-8) and Girls Volleyball (grades 7-8) are the Winter II sports. Students who want to participate must have all athletic paperwork (including physical evaluation and fee payment) submitted before they can practice.
• Athletic paperwork can be picked up in the front office or downloaded from
• Athletic paperwork and fees can be turned into the front office immediately. It is strongly suggested not to wait until the day before practice starts to turn in paperwork.
• Once all paperwork is complete and the fee is paid, the student will be issued a slip of eligibility, referred to as the “orange slip”. It is the responsibility of the student to give the “orange slip” to the coach at the first practice attended. The slip is essentially an admission ticket to the student’s first practice. The student will not be allowed to practice without an eligibility slip.
• Try-outs for volleyball begin on January 27. 7th grade volleyball coach is Leon Braisted. 8th grade coach is Angela Geisler.
• Swim practices begins on January 27. Swim coaches are Bill Johansson and Mat Brown.
If you have an 8th grader and have not yet turned in the “HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULING” form, please email the following information to Mary Baughman ( in the counseling office: Your child’s name and the high school he/she will be attending. Additionally, if you are using the open enrollment option for either Seaholm or Groves, please indicate that in the email (ie: We live in the Seaholm feeder pattern, but will be open enrolling our child at Groves High School OR We live in the Groves feeder pattern, but will be open enrolling our child at Seaholm High School.) Please take the time to complete the email as soon as you can as high schools are already planning for next year.
The Joseph/Roberts (“Joberts”) fifth graders are entering the Siemens We Can Change the World challenge this year. For their project, they are trying to reduce the amount of trash we generate at BCS, focusing particularly on the cafeteria. They would like to initiate “Trash Free Fridays” at BCS and they are asking for your help. Each Friday they will be collecting data after lunch about the amount of trash we generate in the cafeteria. They would like the students to think about packing a Trash free lunch and have put together the following tips:
• Use a lunch box or reusable sack.
• Pack a cloth napkin and reusable utensils.
• Put food in reusable food and drink containers.
• If you must use a disposable plastic bag, wash it out and keep reusing it.
• Purchase your snacks in bulk size and repack into individual reusable containers.
• Pack fresh fruit since it doesn't require any additional packaging.
Disposable lunches can create between 4–8 ounces of garbage every day.
That can add up to as much as 100 pounds per year! With your help, the Joberts kids believe that we truly can become agents of change!!
If you buy lunch, please buy only what you believe you can eat and try not to have any waste!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
BCS Spelling Bee
Our Spelling Bee contestants did an awesome job this morning! They spelled words that I have never used!(or heard of!!)Thank you to the family members that came to see our Bee this year and thank you to our staff and students that were in our very quiet and respectful audience!
I would like to congratulate our 2009-2010 winner- Drew Manson...way to go Drew!
Our finalist this year is Tess Helfrich. Both Tess and Drew were given trophies by Sue Reepmeyer- Thank you Mrs. Reepmeyer for setting this up and making sure it was a success.
BCS also thanks Chris Conti and Susan Hill, BPS school board members, for judging the Bee.
Dr. Steve Palmer, Assistant Superintendent, (pictured above) was our pronouncer this year- thank you Dr. Palmer!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Welcome Back- Happy New Year!
January 3, 2010
"We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives - not looking for flaws, but for potential."
Ellen Goodman
January is named for the Roman God of beginnings and endings. He could look backward and forward at the same time. This is something many of us found ourselves doing in 2009. We reflected on a turbulent year and looked back on ten years that may prove to be the decade that saw the most changes in our nation’s educational system. We also have looked ahead to forecast our economy and wonder if it will ever get back to a place that we can call “good”. One thing is for certain, 2010 has potential. Each year begins with potential, but it is what we do to better ourselves during that year that will make it a success. So, here it is- a new year, a fresh start. 2010 has come whether we were ready or not and it is full of potential. Looking backward can be productive only if we learn from past mistakes and remember those that are most influential in our lives. Looking forward can be dangerous unless we look with courage and hope. January comes from the Etruscan word jauna which means "door." Let’s walk through this “door” that leads to 2010 with confidence, a positive attitude, and most of all…together!
Welcome back to BCS and Happy New Year!
(Disclaimer: Please check all your calendars and in case we missed something)
Monday, January 4
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• 3:15 – 4:30PM – Boys basketball teams practice
• 3:15 – 5:00PM –Girls swim practice
Tuesday, January 5
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
• 8-8:20AM – Bagel sale in front of the media center by the 8th grade celebration committee
• 3:15-4:00PM – School store is open in the main hallway during choice hour
Wednesday, January 6
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• 8:30 – 9:30AM – Seaholm Counselor Visit to BCS for 8th graders to review 9th grade scheduling - MC
• Popcorn Day – freshly popped popcorn is sold during choice hour for $1 in the main hallway.
• 3-4PM-Market Day pick-up in the entrance hall.
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ home vs. Cranbrook MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows.
• 4:15PM –Girls swim meet vs. Berkshire Black @ Home
Thursday, January 7
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice
• 8AM – Religious Diversity Journey – for 8 students
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ Country Day MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows. Maps to away games can be found on .
• 7:00PM Enrollment Information Session for the 2010-2011 school year in the Media Center – for prospective new families who were unable to attend the Open House. No registrations are taken.
Friday, January 8 - Trash –Free Friday – see comments below
• 8-11:30AM – Schoolwide Spelling Bee – Media Center. Parents are welcome to attend.
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
Hot Entrée menu for the week: (subject to change, if necessary)
- Available everyday: Salad Bar, Hamburgers, Chicken Patties, Pizza & Cheese Breadsticks
Monday –Meat Balls and Gravy, Noodles and Broccoli
Tuesday –All Beef Hot Dogs, Chili, Chips and Carrots and Celery
Wednesday –Baked Popcorn Chicken, Roasted Potatoes and Corn
Thursday – Baked Chicken Tenders, Brown Rice and Broccoli
Friday –Grilled Cheese, Tomato Soup
To submit an item for next week’s “WAG”, email by FRIDAY 7AM
YEARBOOKS ARE ON SALE-Preorder a yearbook to ensure you have a copy
2010 yearbooks are now available! If you are interested in getting a yearbook there are a few ways to order. You can go online Click on the orange link to order. Also, order forms are available in the brochure rack in the main hall and can be turned into the main office. Yearbooks cost $40, so order soon!
In alternating years, Covington hosts a disability awareness workshop to raise awareness in our students of the challenges faced by people with disabilities. This year the workshop will take place over two days, on January 12 and 13. We are looking for volunteers to work either the morning or afternoon shift of either day. While 5th and 6th grade students will be participating in the workshop, we would welcome volunteers who have children in any grade. If you are interested in helping, please contact Diana Moak at 248-594-7245 or
The Joseph/Roberts (“Joberts”) fifth graders are entering the Siemens We Can Change the World challenge this year. For their project, they are trying to reduce the amount of trash we generate at BCS, focusing particularly on the cafeteria. They would like to initiate “Trash Free Fridays” at BCS and they are asking for your help. Each Friday they will be collecting data after lunch about the amount of trash we generate in the cafeteria. They would like the students to think about packing a Trash free lunch and have put together the following tips:
• Use a lunch box or reusable sack.
• Pack a cloth napkin and reusable utensils.
• Put food in reusable food and drink containers.
• If you must use a disposable plastic bag, wash it out and keep reusing it.
• Purchase your snacks in bulk size and repack into individual reusable containers.
• Pack fresh fruit since it doesn't require any additional packaging.
Disposable lunches can create between 4–8 ounces of garbage every day.
That can add up to as much as 100 pounds per year! With your help, the Joberts kids believe that we truly can become agents of change!!
If you buy lunch, please buy only what you believe you can eat and try not to have any waste!!
"We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives - not looking for flaws, but for potential."
Ellen Goodman
January is named for the Roman God of beginnings and endings. He could look backward and forward at the same time. This is something many of us found ourselves doing in 2009. We reflected on a turbulent year and looked back on ten years that may prove to be the decade that saw the most changes in our nation’s educational system. We also have looked ahead to forecast our economy and wonder if it will ever get back to a place that we can call “good”. One thing is for certain, 2010 has potential. Each year begins with potential, but it is what we do to better ourselves during that year that will make it a success. So, here it is- a new year, a fresh start. 2010 has come whether we were ready or not and it is full of potential. Looking backward can be productive only if we learn from past mistakes and remember those that are most influential in our lives. Looking forward can be dangerous unless we look with courage and hope. January comes from the Etruscan word jauna which means "door." Let’s walk through this “door” that leads to 2010 with confidence, a positive attitude, and most of all…together!
Welcome back to BCS and Happy New Year!
(Disclaimer: Please check all your calendars and in case we missed something)
Monday, January 4
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• 3:15 – 4:30PM – Boys basketball teams practice
• 3:15 – 5:00PM –Girls swim practice
Tuesday, January 5
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
• 8-8:20AM – Bagel sale in front of the media center by the 8th grade celebration committee
• 3:15-4:00PM – School store is open in the main hallway during choice hour
Wednesday, January 6
• 7-8AM – Proud Dads 6th grade boys basketball
• 8:30 – 9:30AM – Seaholm Counselor Visit to BCS for 8th graders to review 9th grade scheduling - MC
• Popcorn Day – freshly popped popcorn is sold during choice hour for $1 in the main hallway.
• 3-4PM-Market Day pick-up in the entrance hall.
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ home vs. Cranbrook MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows.
• 4:15PM –Girls swim meet vs. Berkshire Black @ Home
Thursday, January 7
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice
• 8AM – Religious Diversity Journey – for 8 students
• 4:00PM – Boys basketball game @ Country Day MS – 7th grade game at 4PM, 8th grade game immediately follows. Maps to away games can be found on .
• 7:00PM Enrollment Information Session for the 2010-2011 school year in the Media Center – for prospective new families who were unable to attend the Open House. No registrations are taken.
Friday, January 8 - Trash –Free Friday – see comments below
• 8-11:30AM – Schoolwide Spelling Bee – Media Center. Parents are welcome to attend.
• 6:35 – 8:00AM –Girls swim practice
• 6:45-8AM – Boys basketball teams practice
Hot Entrée menu for the week: (subject to change, if necessary)
- Available everyday: Salad Bar, Hamburgers, Chicken Patties, Pizza & Cheese Breadsticks
Monday –Meat Balls and Gravy, Noodles and Broccoli
Tuesday –All Beef Hot Dogs, Chili, Chips and Carrots and Celery
Wednesday –Baked Popcorn Chicken, Roasted Potatoes and Corn
Thursday – Baked Chicken Tenders, Brown Rice and Broccoli
Friday –Grilled Cheese, Tomato Soup
To submit an item for next week’s “WAG”, email by FRIDAY 7AM
YEARBOOKS ARE ON SALE-Preorder a yearbook to ensure you have a copy
2010 yearbooks are now available! If you are interested in getting a yearbook there are a few ways to order. You can go online Click on the orange link to order. Also, order forms are available in the brochure rack in the main hall and can be turned into the main office. Yearbooks cost $40, so order soon!
In alternating years, Covington hosts a disability awareness workshop to raise awareness in our students of the challenges faced by people with disabilities. This year the workshop will take place over two days, on January 12 and 13. We are looking for volunteers to work either the morning or afternoon shift of either day. While 5th and 6th grade students will be participating in the workshop, we would welcome volunteers who have children in any grade. If you are interested in helping, please contact Diana Moak at 248-594-7245 or
The Joseph/Roberts (“Joberts”) fifth graders are entering the Siemens We Can Change the World challenge this year. For their project, they are trying to reduce the amount of trash we generate at BCS, focusing particularly on the cafeteria. They would like to initiate “Trash Free Fridays” at BCS and they are asking for your help. Each Friday they will be collecting data after lunch about the amount of trash we generate in the cafeteria. They would like the students to think about packing a Trash free lunch and have put together the following tips:
• Use a lunch box or reusable sack.
• Pack a cloth napkin and reusable utensils.
• Put food in reusable food and drink containers.
• If you must use a disposable plastic bag, wash it out and keep reusing it.
• Purchase your snacks in bulk size and repack into individual reusable containers.
• Pack fresh fruit since it doesn't require any additional packaging.
Disposable lunches can create between 4–8 ounces of garbage every day.
That can add up to as much as 100 pounds per year! With your help, the Joberts kids believe that we truly can become agents of change!!
If you buy lunch, please buy only what you believe you can eat and try not to have any waste!!
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