Saturday, January 15, 2011

BCS Brings New Choice Hour to Students!

Beginning in our 3rd Marking Period, BCS will offer Zon has a choice hour. Zon is a multimedia game that teaches Mandarin Chinese. Teachers Roy McCloud and Roy Bishop will join parent Loran Brooks in facilitating the classes. A big thank you to the PTSA for recognizing this opportunity for our students.
BCS has and will continue to have a strong Spanish program and understands the need for our students to learn a different language. Zon allows us to give our students another option in learning a language that continues to be important in our global society.
To date we have close to 40 students that will be the first to participate and we will open it up for the 4th marking period to accommodate more.
Zon brings both Mandarin and gaming to BCS! Each student will have their own avatar but we are also allowing their parents to access Zon in order to encourage a strong rich learning opportunity within the household.

Let the fun begin!

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