Tuesday, January 19, 2010

BCS Staff Embraces Diversity

On MLK Day the BCS Staff viewed a 40 minute film entitled “Reuniting the Children of Abraham.” The movie featured Detroit area high school students of different cultural and religious backgrounds who came together to break down barriers of prejudice and create greater understanding of each other. After watching the film, the staff listened to an interfaith panel featuring Gigi Salka, Brenda Rosenberg, Yash Lakra, and Mary Ann Ford. Each member represented a different religion.

After the panel discussion, the staff broke into small groups to discuss ways we can continue to celebrate our diversity at BCS both as colleagues and educators of children. The day was very powerful and the lessons were most meaningful. For more information, please visit http://bcsdiversitycommittee.wikispaces.com/ or email the BCS Diversity Committee at rj04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us.

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